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Say Hello to Color Kid
Color Kid (DC Comics) is described as an alien hero with lame powers which have the potential to be devastating.
He derived his powers from a comic ray that lets him change the color of anything permanently. When he changes the color of an object, his powers also permanently alter the properties within that object. This is of notable importance as seen in his comics, he modified Green Kryptonite into Blue Kryptonite to save Superman and Supergirl from the horrible side effects of Green Krypotnite as it can be deadly. In Mooose_0’s video other problematic applications would be to convert Guy Gardner from a Green Lantern to a Red lantern. Other examples of this would be to turn everyday objects gold, which would modify the object to become actual gold. It could also be used for simple Tom Foolery such as, changing peoples milk brown, transmuting it into chocolate milk. Are you snacking on red skittles? Well now it’s orange. The applications of his powers are essentially endless for both good and bad.