Wonder Woman: Left Wanting or Wondering?

Celeste Roller
3 min readDec 30, 2020
Photo sourced from CBR.com


Wonder Woman 1984 Debuted in our homes December 25th, a holiday gift to the masses as one of the few movies released during the COVID 19 Pandemic. A heavy hearted Diana (Gal Gadot ) trods through her daily life, still mourning her deceased lover Steve Trevor ( Chris Pine) and continues her heroics in secret while she goes through the motions of life. We are introduced to two new villains, Cheetah a.k.a. Dr. Barbara Minerva ( Kristen Wiig) and Maxwell Lord ( Pedro Pascal). This film is unique in creating two equally, well thought out and complex villains for Diana to face. The audience gets to see character development for both the main and side characters. Dr. Minerva’s character development is beautifully portrayed by Kristen Wiig and leaves you wanting more. Pedro Pascal’s rendition of Maxwell Lord transforms an easily hateable villain into a caring, misguided father who you empathize for. Gal Gadot is not one to be outshined but Kristen Wiig gives her a run for her money. Speaking of magnificent actors in this film, shout out to Lilly Aspell (Young Diana) for performing all her own stunts in the film! She is simply incredible. Diana’s character goes through many a trial during this film, while comparing WW1984 to its predecessor, this film carries far less physical trials and many more emotional ones. This stems from the fact that in Wonder Woman (2017)…

